PCI30FG User Manual
Eagle Technology © Copyright 2002 19
Analog Output
The PCI30FG-A version has 4 x 12-bit DAC channels that support single write
and signal generation. Signal generation is done form a driver buffer and use
user counter 3 for timing. Signals can be generated at 5KHz.
Writing to a DAC channel
A single call is necessary to set a voltage on a DAC channel.
Long EDRE_DAWrite (ulng Sn, ulng Channel, long uVoltage)
The serial number, DAC channel and micro-voltage is needed to set a DAC
channel’s voltage. A return code will indicate if any errors occurred.
Long EDREDAX.Write (long Channel, long uVoltage)
The DAC channel and micro-voltage is needed to set a DAC channel’s
voltage. A return code will indicate if any errors occurred.
Generating a Waveform
Generating a waveform is basically a two-step process. First configure a
channel then start and stop it. The board can output signals from a driver
buffer at a maximum of 5KHz per channel. Two modes are available, non-loop
mode and pattern mode. The non-loop mode is will stream the values in the
driver buffer only once and then stop, where pattern only resides inside the
buffer. Please note that the diver buffer depth is only 1024 samples per
Long EDRE_DAConfig (ulng Sn, ulng Channel, ulng Frequency, ulng ClkSrc, ulng
GateSrc, ulng Continuous, ulng Length, long *uVoltage)
Parameter Type Description
Sn Unsigned long Board’s serial number
Channel Unsigned long Channel
0: DAC Channel 0
1: DAC Channel 1
2: DAC Channel 2
3: DAC Channel 3
Frequency Unsigned long Sample output frequency
GateSrc Unsigned long NOTE USED
Continuous Unsigned long MODE
0: non-loop-mode
1: loop-mode
Length Unsigned long Buffer length (1024 MAX)
uVoltage Pointer to a long
Buffer filled with micro voltages
Return Long Error Code