PCI30FG User Manual
Eagle Technology © Copyright 2002 23
In normal sampling mode
channels are sampled sequentially
according to the given channels
list. The time spacing between
each channel is the same as the
frequency in normal mode. The
maximum frequency is the same
as the maximum speed of the
In burst mode the all channels in
the channel list is converted as
fast as possible (depends on the
A/D converter speed) every
period. The period is the same as
the sampling frequency. The
maximum sampling frequency is
the maximum frequency of the
board divided by the number of
channels in the channel list.
Frequency Example:
Normal Mode Burst Mode
Frequency = 100 000 Hz
Channel List Length = 10
Time = 10 uS
Time between channels = 10 uS
Max of Board = 100 000 Hz
Frequency = 20 000 Hz
Channel List Length = 10
Max Frequency = 2 000 Hz
Time = 500 uS
Time between channels = 10 uS (ADC Rating)
Time between sets = 50 uS
ClockSource 0: Internal and to External Gate
1: Internal
2: External Clock
3: External Clock and Gate
Starting and Stopping the ADC process
A single call is necessary to start or stop the ADC process
Long EDRE_ADStart (ulng Sn)
Parameter Type Description
Sn Unsigned long Board’s serial number
Return Long Error Code