PCI30FG User Manual
Eagle Technology © Copyright 2002 21
Analog Input
The PCI30FG’s ADC subsystem is fully configurable and supports single
channel reading and out scanning. While scanning a channel list and gain list
can be provided. Channels are scanned in the same sequence provided in the
channel list.
Reading a single voltage from a channel
To read a single ADC channel you need to know the voltage range and gain.
Long EDRE_ADSingle (ulng Sn, ulng Channel, ulng Gain, ulng Range, plong uVoltage)
Parameter Type Description
Sn Unsigned long Board’s serial number
Channel Unsigned long ADC Channel
Gain Unsigned long 0: Gain x 1
1: Gain x 10
2: Gain x 100
3: Gain x 1000
Range Unsigned long 0: -5V to +5V, Single Ended
1: 0 to +10V, Single Ended
2: -10V to +10V, Single Ended
3: -5V to +5V, Differential
4: 0 to +10V, Differential
5: -10V to +10V, Differential
uVoltage Pointer to a long Voltage read from channel
Return Long Error Code
Long EDREADX.SingleRead (long Channel)
Parameter Type Description
Channel Long ADC Channel
Return Long Voltage returned from channel.
Make sure to set the Gain and Range properties of the ADC ActiveX control.
This will in turn set the range and gain when reading the ADC channel.
Configuring the ADC subsystem for scanning
This is the most complicated part of configuring the PCI30 for auto scanning.
Make sure that you use the correct format when applying the channel list
configuration. There are many loopholes and care should be taken when
implementing code to configure the PCI30.
Long EDRE_ADConfig (ulng Sn, pulng Freq, ulng ClkSrc, ulng Burst, ulng Range,
pulng ChanList, pulng GainList, ulng ListSize)
The following parameters must be specified when configuring the ADC sub-