Care Delivery Solutions
Exercise 2: Selecting a Drug
PocketScript provides several methods for selecting a drug:
• Drug List, described in detail below
• Drug History, see Exercise 5 below and more details in
Section 5.3 in this User’s Guide
• Macros, see Section 5.2 in this User’s Guide
To Choose from the Drug List
1. Tap Drug List. The Choose Drug screen appears.
2. Using the keyboard, enter the first 3-4 letters of the drug’s
name. It is not necessary to enter the entire name.
Type lipi and then tap Go.
Drugs that match the search criteria are displayed.
3. Tap to highlight lipitor.
4. Double-tap the drug name or tap Select.
Exercise 3: Completing the Prescription
The details of the script are managed from the Summary screen.
You can enter and modify the values for dosage/units, refills,
quantity, instructions, and pharmacy. Here we will manage the
The most recently faxed pharmacies for the patient are displayed on the Script Summary screen.
1. Tap Pharm to select from all the pharmacies that the practice uses.
2. Tap Search by Name to select from the practice-wide list.
3. Enter the first 3 or 4 letters of the pharmacy’s name, poc, and then tap Go.
4. Tap to highlight the PocketScript Test pharmacy and tap Select.