Care Delivery Solutions
script will be removed from the patient’s current medication list. Expired prescriptions are not
considered when evaluating drug-to-drug interactions. The options are as follows:
• Chronic - uses expiration date
• Chronic PRN - uses expiration date
• Acute 3 days – expires in 3 days
• Acute 5 days - expires in 5 days
• Acute 7 days - expires in 7 days
• Acute 10 days - expires in 10 days
• Acute 14 days - expires in 14 days
• Acute 1 month - expires in 30 days
• Acute 2 months - expires in 60 days
The Expiration Date is calculated based on the selected treatment and the number of refills. The
formula is as follows: (number of refills + 1) * (number of days on course of treatment).
Patient Weight (Pat Wt)
Double-tap the Patient’s Weight and the Modify Patient screen appears where you can change
the patient’s weight. Note: Only the weight field can be edited on this screen.
Tap Favorite to save the current drug as a favorite. See 4.0 Adding a Favorite Drug.
Tap Macro to save the current prescription information
(excluding the patient’s personal information) as a Macro.
See 5.0 Adding a Macro.
Send will fax the prescription to
the selected pharmacy.
Print will print the prescription to
the network printer in your office.
If multiple printers are registered
in the Internet Browser version,
the script will be printed on the
printer you selected when you
logged on for this session.
Note: Printed prescriptions
require a handwritten signature.
To cancel the prescription, on the Script Summary screen, tap
Cancel. You will be returned to the Choose Patient screen.
When all of the script details have been entered, you can send
the prescription to the pharmacy.
1. Tap Send at the bottom of the screen. Note: The Send button is not available for over-the-
counter drugs or Schedule 2 drugs in the PocketScript system. You must print the
prescription and the prescriber must sign it and give it to the patient.