Care Delivery Solutions
Data and Security
Q: Where is my patient and prescription data stored if it isn’t on my handheld?
A: Your data is stored in the SysTrust™ and SAS-70 certified, HIPAA-compliant
ZixData Center™. Access to this data center is controlled by various methods,
including biometric finger scanning and security codes.
What information does the PocketScript system collect about my
prescribing practices?
A: The PocketScript system only collects information about the number of scripts
written and certain statistical information. All patient demographics are stripped
from the reported data. Patient privacy is totally secure.
How secure is the PocketScript system?
The PocketScript e-prescriber provides security on many levels:
• Your password is required at log on.
• If the handheld is unused for a period of time, you must re-enter your
• All patient and prescription information is transmitted through a 128-bit or
higher encryption mechanism.
• Each prescription has a unique PocketScript ID number associated with it.
This number assures the pharmacy that any script received through
PocketScript is authentic.
The security of PocketScript also relies upon you to control access to your
handheld device. Just as prescription pads should not be available to unauthorized
persons, once you log on to your handheld it should not be left unattended.
Q: How does the ZixCorp PocketScript product relate to HIPAA?
A: PocketScript uses HIPAA-compliant methods to securely transmit your patient’s
data between you, the prescriber, and the patient’s pharmacy.
Q: Does HIPAA impact use of the ZixCorp PocketScript product?
A: Yes, if Dispensed Drug History is available for a patient, you must ask the
patient’s permission to view it. Dispensed Drug History displays prescriptions
written by other practices that participate in the system. Providers may screen
drugs such as those used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS or substance abuse.
Other Applications
Q: Can I use the PocketScript system handheld to store and manage my
personal information / schedule?
A: Yes. Each PocketScript handheld e-prescriber comes with all of the basic Pocket
functionality including the following programs:
• Calendar • Notes • Pocket Word
• Contacts (Address Book) • Internet Explorer
• Inbox (E-Mail) • Pocket Excel