Care Delivery Solutions
Q: Does the PocketScript system link to my patient management system?
A: ZixCorp offers a free HL7 interface that connects the PocketScript system to your
practice management system. The HL7 requires a Windows 2000 PC or higher to
run the PocketScript portion of the interface. Consult your practice management
system vendor about link availability and cost issues for its system. Custom
connectivity may also be available for your practice at an additional fee. Contact
PocketScript Support at 866-753-9234 for more information on this service.
Q: What is the difference between medical and prescription insurance plans?
A: Prescription insurance only covers a patient’s outpatient prescriptions while
medical insurance covers a variety of medical products and services, including
doctors’ fees, lab tests, hospital stays, and inpatient drugs.
Prescription insurance is provided under a medical insurance plan and may be
administered by the medical insurance provider or a specialized pharmacy benefit
management company (PBM). Patients covered under Medicare/Medicaid,
however, may obtain separate prescription insurance.
Pocket PC
How long does the handheld battery charge last?
Test results show that over 100 prescriptions can be written on one battery
charge. Results vary based on usage.
Q: Is it OK to keep the handheld prescriber plugged in 24/7?
A: Yes. You cannot over-charge the battery or harm the e-prescriber in any way by
allowing the unit to remain in its charging cradle.
Q: Does speech recognition work on my system?
A: The PocketScript system is the first in the industry to use voice to instantly access
patient and prescription information at the point of care. The system combines a
patient’s name with your Macro list to quickly generate a prescription with
minimal tapping on the PDA screen.
Where can I access information about my handheld device?
The device was shipped with a manual. PocketScript also provided this manual to
cover the most common questions and concerns about using the device.
Additional information may be found on the PocketScript Web site
http://www.zixcorp.com/caredel/ or the device manufacturer’s Web site.
Can others use my handheld device?
Yes. Any prescriber with a valid username and password can use any available
handheld to write prescriptions with the PocketScript application. All of your
personal information is stored on the server, not on the handheld; therefore your
customized Favorites and Macros lists are available to you when you log on to
any handheld device.