Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Wireless Domain Services (WDS). An access point providing WDS on your
wireless LAN maintains a cache of credentials for CCKM-capable client devices
on your wireless LAN. When a CCKM-capable client roams from one access
point to another, the WDS access point forwards the client’s credentials to the
new access point with the multicast key. Only two packets pass between the client
and the new access point, greatly shortening the reassociation time.
Wired Equivalent Privacy. An optional security mechanism defined within the
802.11 standard designed to make the link integrity of wireless devices equal to
that of a cable.
Wireless LAN Solutions Engine. The WLSE is a specialized appliance for
managing Cisco Aironet wireless LAN infrastructures. It centrally identifies and
configures access points in customer-defined groups and reports on throughput
and client associations. WLSE's centralized management capabilities are further
enhanced with an integrated template-based configuration tool for added
configuration ease and improved productivity.
Wireless Network Manager.
A computing device with an installed client adapter.
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is a standards-based, interoperable security
enhancement that strongly increases the level of data protection and access
control for existing and future wireless LAN systems. It is derived from and will
be forward-compatible with the upcoming IEEE 802.11i standard. WPA
leverages TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) for data protection and
802.1X for authenticated key management.