Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Appendix C Error and Event Messages
802.11 Subsystem Messages
Error Message DOT11-2-UPLINK_FAILED: “Uplink to parent failed: %s.”
The connection to the parent access point failed for the displayed reason. The uplink
will stop its connection attempts.
Recommended Action Try resetting the uplink interface. Contact Technical Support if the problem
Error Message DOT11-4-CANT_ASSOC: “Interface %, cannot associate %s.”
The indicated interface device could not associate to an indicated parent access point.
Recommended Action Check the configuration of the parent access point and this unit to make sure
there is a match.
Error Message DOT11-4-CANT_ASSOC: “Interface Dot11Radio 0, cannot associate.”
Parent does not support client MFP. This error message displays on the access point only
in workgroup bridge, repeater, or non-root bridge mode and is seen if the WGB, repeater, or non-root
is configured with Client MFP SD required (or mandatory) but root Client MFP is disabled.
Recommended Action Check the configuration of the parent access point and this unit to make sure
there is a match.
Error Message DOT11-2-PROCESS_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: “The background process for the
radio could not be started: %s)
The initialization process used by the indicated interface failed for some reason,
possibly a transient error.
Recommended Action Perform a reload of the access point. If this fails to rectify the problem, perform
a power cycle. If this still fails, try downgrading the access point firmware to the previous version.
Error Message DOT11-2-RADIO_HW_RESET: “Radio subsystem is undergoing hardware reset
to recover from problem.”
An unrecoverable error occurred that could not be resolved by a soft reset.
Recommended Action None.
Error Message DOT11-2-RESET_RADIO: “Interface %s, Radio %s, Trying hardware reset on
Using a software reset to start a radio failed. Trying a hardware reset which will reset
all radios on the unit.
Recommended Action None.