Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Appendix C Error and Event Messages
802.11 Subsystem Messages
Error Message DOT11-6-ANTENNA_GAIN: “Interface %s, antenna position/gain changed,
adjusting transmitter power.”
The antenna gain has changed so the list of allowed power levels must be adjusted.
Recommended Action None.
Error Message DOT11-4-DIVER_USED: “Interface %s Mcs rates 8-15 disabled due to only
one transmit or receive antenna enabled.”
The rates listed require at least 2 receive or transmit antennas be enabled.
Recommended Action Install and enable at least 2 receive or transmit antennas on the access point.
Error Message DOT11-3-RF-LOOPBACK_FAILURE: “Interface %s Radio failed to pass RF
loopback test.”
Radio loopback test failed for the interface indicated.
Recommended Action None.
Error Message DOT11-3-RF-LOOPBACK_FREQ_FAILURE: “Interface %s failed to pass RF
loopback test.”
Radio loopback test failed at a given frequency for the indicated interface.
Recommended Action None.
Error Message DOT11-7-AUTH_FAILED: “Station %e Authentication failed”
The indicated station failed authentication.
Recommended Action Verify that the user entered the correct username and password, and verify that
the authentication server is online.
Error Message DOT11-7-CCKM_AUTH_FAILED: “Station %e CCKM authentication failed.”
The indicated station failed CCKM authentication.
Recommended Action Verify that the topology of the access points configured to use the WDS access
point is functional.
Error Message DOT11-4-CCMP_REPLAY: “AES-CCMP TSC replay was detected on packet (TSC
0x%11x received from &e).”
AES-CCMP TSC replay was indicated on a frame. A replay of the AES-CCMP TSC in
a received packet almost indicates an active attack.
Recommended Action None.