Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 10 Configuring Cipher Suites and WEP
Configuring Cipher Suites and WEP
Use the no form of the encryption command to disable a cipher suite.
Matching Cipher Suites with WPA or CCKM
If you configure your access point to use WPA or CCKM authenticated key management, you must select
a cipher suite compatible with the authenticated key management type. Table 10-3 lists the cipher suites
that are compatible with WPA and CCKM.
Step 3
[vlan vlan-id]
mode ciphers
{[aes | aes-ccm | ckip | tkip]}
{[wep128 | wep40]}
Enable a cipher suite containing the WEP protection you need.
Table 10-3 lists guidelines for selecting a cipher suite that
matches the type of authenticated key management you
• (Optional) Select the VLAN for which you want to enable
WEP and WEP features.
• Set the cipher options and WEP level. You can combine
TKIP with 128-bit or 40-bit WEP.
Note If you enable a cipher suite with two elements (such as
TKIP and 128-bit WEP), the second cipher becomes the
group cipher.
Note If you configure ckip you must also enable Aironet
extensions. The command to enable Aironet extensions
is dot11 extension aironet.
Note You can also use the encryption mode wep command
to set up static WEP. However, you should use
encryption mode wep only if no clients that associate
to the access point are capable of key management. See
the Cisco IOS Command Reference for Cisco Access
Points and Bridges for a detailed description of the
encryption mode wep command.
Note When you configure the cipher TKIP (not TKIP +
WEP 128 or TKIP + WEP 40) for an SSID, the SSID
must use WPA or CCKM key management. Client
authentication fails on an SSID that uses the cipher
TKIP without enabling WPA or CCKM key
Note You must configure WPA key management as optional
in order to configure cipher modes TKIP + WEP 128
or TKIP + WEP 40.
Step 4
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose