66 MPX1000 Extender Installer/User Guide
Appendix G: Upgrading MPX Firmware
NOTE: You must have access to a TFTP server to perform the Flash update process.
The Flash Update page is used to download and install new firmware. All of the steps in this
process and the web pages are the same for a transmitter and receivers. The Flash update process
goes through several different stages. The web interface displays a different page depending on its
current state.
It is possible to upgrade the firmware of an MPX1000 receiver across the wireless media extension
network. Although the update process can be initiated during an active media session, it is
recommended to disconnect the source device from the MPX1000 transmitter prior to starting the
upgrade process. This will allow more bandwidth for transmission of the upgrade file, thus
reducing the overall time to perform the upgrade.
The upgrade will complete in the shortest possible time when initiated directly via the physical
control LAN (L1) port of an MPX1000 receiver.
To start a Flash update:
1. Select Flash Upgrade from the Transmitter Menu or Receiver Menu, located on the left side of
the web page.
2. Type the IP address of the TFTP server from which you are downloading the new Flash image.
By default, this will be the address of the server making the request.
NOTE: TFTP is used to download the image file; to do this it must be properly configured on the server.
3. Type the full path name of the image file to be downloaded.
NOTE: You may need to specify the file name relative to the server’s TFTP root directory.
4. Click Apply. If you provided valid parameters, the Flash update process starts downloading the
image file.
NOTE: Do not turn off the unit while the download is in progress.
Downloading the update
The image file is downloaded via TFTP. The web page indicates that the download is in progress.
This page updates every three seconds. Press Cancel, if necessary, to return to the main Flash
Update page.
Installing the update
After the image file has been downloaded, the web page shows version numbers for the main
firmware application and the boot firmware. For each, the current version is displayed as well as
the new version provided by the image file.