Chapter 3: Installation 25
To establish a wired control LAN for MPX1000 receivers:
1. Interconnect the control LAN (L1) ports of the MPX1000 transmitter and all receivers using
industry-standard 10/100Mbps Ethernet components.
2. Attach your browser client to the control LAN.
3. Turn on a single MPX1000 receiver and leave all other receivers with default addresses
4. Launch a browser session to the default IP address of an MPX1000 receiver, which is with a subnet mask of
5. Type the default password, which is Admin (case sensitive). User name is ignored.
6. If the unit has not yet been configured, you will be prompted to enter a country code. The
wireless radio is disabled until a country code is entered. In addition to enabling the radio, the
country code will establish legal bands, channels, and power limits.
7. Within the receiver menu, select the control LAN Settings page and set the parameters
a. Type the IP address for L1 (control LAN) to match the network on which it will be placed.
Use this address for subsequent browser connections. Do not use the following reserved IP
addresses:,,,, 192.168.10.xxx or
b. Type the subnet mask for L1.
c. Type the gateway address for L1, or if there is no gateway.
8. Apply the changes.
9. Label the unit with its new IP address.
10. Return to step 3 until all MPX1000 receivers are configured with unique IP addresses.
Configure receiver system settings (Optional)
Although optional, it is recommended to configure each receiver with a friendly name. These
names will be displayed within the web interface of the transmitter.
To configure receiver system settings:
1. Using a browser client, access the web interface of the MPX1000 receiver either directly or via
the transmitter web interface.
2. Within the Receiver Menu, launch the System Settings page.
3. Type a Device Name to associate a friendly name with the unit, such as “Aisle 4 Display.” The
device name may contain any combination of printable characters but it cannot exceed 127
characters. This name will be displayed for your convenience within the various web pages;
however, it has no affect upon the operation of the named unit. The name will also be
displayed on the front panel of the MPX1000 transmitter.
4. The additional settings are described in Radio Considerations on page 52. Leave these settings
at their default values for now.