Appendices 57
Appendix D: Mounting Options
Transmitter mounting
The MPX1000 transmitter ships with rack mount brackets for installation into an equipment rack.
When installed, the transmitter requires only one unit of rack height.
Figure D.1: Transmitter Rack Mount Brackets
The MPX1000T transmitter also supports the following mounting options:
• Table mounting via the optional RMK-56 mounting kit, described below
• VESA MIS-E compatible mounting, using third-party brackets as described below
Receiver mounting
The MPX1000R receiver features the following mounting options, allowing it to adapt to most
work environments:
• Table mounting via the optional RMK-56 mounting kit, described below
• VESA MIS-E compatible mounting, using third-party brackets as described below
Table mounting
The Avocent RMK-56 table mounting bracket kit is compatible with MPX1000 transmitters and
receivers. The kit contains two brackets, which are interchangeable such that either may be used as
a left or right bracket. In addition, the brackets may be attached with keyholes facing up or down.
This flexibility allows a device to be mounted in a table top or below table manner.
Detailed instructions are provided with the kit. The following diagram illustrates the basic
components of the kit.