Create a group of your friends or family with the Peep Designer and watch how they react to your
amusement park.
The Peep Designer
The Peep Designer can be accessed from the Tools button found on the Main Menu.
How to Create and Customize a Peep Group
First, click the Add Peep Group button.This creates a new peep group.
Next, click Add Group Member, and then highlight the peep name and click Edit This Peep.
On the Peep Designer, change the age, gender, skin tone and clothing to suit your tastes; or, click the
randomize button to let the computer do the picking.When done, click the Save This Peep button
and return to the group window.
Repeat these steps until you have added and edited all the group members you want and click the
Save This Group button.The Peep Designer automatically assigns who is the group leader, but you
can choose the group leader by highlighting a peep in the list and clicking the Designate Group
Leader button.
Free the RollerCoaster Tycoon
within by using the Scenario Editor to challenge other players.
Who knows, maybe you’ll become the ultimate roller coaster tycoon.
The Scenario Editor
From the Main Menu, click the Tools button and select Scenario Editor.The editor gives you access to
all the nuts and bolts of what goes into creating a scenario.
Scenario Creation Checklist
Keep your early creations small and simple. If you’re new to creating RollerCoaster Tycoon
start out with small scenarios that are simple to complete. (Don’t forget to save often.)
Start with an entrance path that runs through a park gate and then place a peep spawning point on
the path outside the park.
Designate what land is owned by the park, what area can be purchased, what area will offer
construction rights and what area is off limits.
Use the terrain shaping and coloring tools as well as selecting the background to create the stage for
your scenario.
Populate the land with foliage, scenery, paths and a few rides.
Edit the peep options; such as average cash, ride preference and other settings.
Next, select what items can be researched, the amount of player starting cash, what awards may be
won, restrictions and financial options.
Finally, define the objectives for each of the difficulty settings. If you are including a VIPeep in the
scenario, select the VIPeep and the parameters affecting that VIPeep by clicking on the VIPeep icon
found at the bottom of the Scenario Objectives dialog box that appears after you add “VIP” to the
list of objectives.
Save the scenario. Click the Normal Time Speed button in the dashboard to play your scenario.
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