If you’re going to create a show that uses music from your library, make sure the song file is in the
My Music/RCT3 folder found within the My Documents folder.
Make the Show
Open a blank show by clicking on the button Fireworks Shows button (the one with the three rock-
ets) and then in the details panel, click the Add Fireworks Display button, which will open the timeline.
With the Fireworks MixMaster timeline open, click on one of the tracks to display a list of fireworks.
Click on one and it will appear in the track.You can drag the firework to any place in the timeline
where it does not overlap another firework on the same track. Next, move the pointer over a launch
point that you placed in your park (you’ll know it’s a launch point because it glows when the pointer is
over it). Click on the launch point and the firework is now assigned to a launch point.The direction in
which the firework will be launched is indicated by a small line protruding from the launcher. Repeat
these steps until your fireworks show is complete.
Delete a firework from the timeline by right-clicking on it. Double-check that each firework has a
launch point by clicking on each firework in the timeline; if a launch point is glowing white, the selected
firework is ready to launch! Test the show by clicking on PLAY.
Save for Later
Click on the Fireworks Displays button (the one with a rocket and calendar) to open the list of fire-
works; the highlighted item in the list is the current show you are editing. Click the Save button and
the game will store the show for later use. Change the time of day and time of year the show will
run in this panel, too.
Fireworks Show Tutorial
You may practice using the Fireworks MixMaster by running the fireworks tutorial.
Use scenery and foliage all from the same theme and you’ll be more likely to win awards (as well as
a fat bonus) for park appearance and beauty. Some generic scenery items may also be used,
but sparingly.
One of the most exciting innovations in RollerCoaster Tycoon
3 is fireworks! With the Fireworks
,you be able to choreograph pyrotechnical wonders synchronized to your favorite tunes.
Fireworks are a sure way to increase your park rating.
The Fireworks MixMaster
When you open the scenery buttons and click on the Fireworks MixMaster button (at the bottom
of the list), the Fireworks MixMaster controls will be displayed.
Fireworks Show Checklist
Launch Points
Before you do anything else, you’ll need to add a few fireworks launch points to your park. Click on
the Fireworks button to open the interface to the selection of launch points available. Click one and
add a launch point to your park.You can place launch points anywhere.
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