Fireworks Shows
Playing with fire has never been as fun as it is in other players’ parks.
filename.fws where filename is the name you assigned to the fireworks show you saved.
Saved in the
RCT3/Fireworks folder within the My Documents folder.
Are you a game design mastermind? Share your masterworks.
filename.dat where filename is the name you assigned to the park name. Saved in the
RCT3/Scenarios folder within the My Documents folder.
Amusement Parks
Yo ur sandbox creations will make others green with envy.
filename.dat where filename is the name you assigned to the park name. Saved in the
RCT3/Parks folder within the My Documents folder.
* If you assigned a song file from your library, the game will expect to find it in the
My Music/RCT3 folder found within the My Documents folder of your PC.
Trading with Others
Note: Song files are NOT saved with any saved game, coaster, park, scenario or any other saved
element in RollerCoaster
Tycoon 3.The game only plays game music or other music found in the
My Music/RCT3 folder of your PC.
While we hope you’ll want to share your RollerCoaster Tycoon
3 creations with other players, we
strongly encourage you to respect the copyright owners of your music files. Please do not make
illegal copies of copyrighted music. We support copyright laws all over the world and the rights of
artists to profit from their compositions. Piracy is wrong and hurts artists.
From time to time, we’ll post links to web sites where you can post your creations online.
rollercoastertycoon.com or atari.com/rollercoastertycoon for links to these
web sites.
Loading Creations of Others
First, copy the file containing the data for the Peep Group, Coaster, Structure, Fireworks, Scenario or
Amusement Park to the directory indicated on the previous page in the Sharing Your Creations
section. If music linked to the item is not from the game, make sure the file is located in the My
Music folder found within the My Documents folder.
When you start the game, the creations will appear in the list of Peeps, Coasters, Structures or
Fireworks. Scenarios and Amusement Parks can be loaded from the Sandbox screen.
Loading Rides from RCT and RCT2
Do you have coasters you created for RollerCoaster Tycoon
or RollerCoaster Tycoon
2? Copy the
.TD4 or .TD6 file to the My Documents\RCT3\Coasters directory.Next, start RCT3 and
either enter a scenario, the sandbox or the coaster designer. Notice when you click on the rides but-
ton, a new button is present at the bottom of the stack. Click this button to show a list of RCT and
RCT2 coasters present in the directory. Click one of the coasters from the list to add it to your park,
then save the old coaster in the RCT3 format by clicking the SAVE icon found in the coaster's con-
trol panel.The search button found on the import window also searches the selected hard drive for
any other .TD4 or .TD6 files and then adds them to this list.
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