Lower Terrain Tools
Trough – Drag the mouse button over terrain to lower it to a narrow and shallow trough.
Crater – Drag the mouse button over terrain to lower it to a crater-sized depression with
sloping edges.
Canyon – Drag the mouse button over terrain to lower it to a deep and wide depression
with steep edges.
Raise Terrain Tools
Hill – Drag the mouse button over terrain to raise it with rounded peaks and slopes.
Mountain – Drag the mouse button over terrain to raise it, producing sharp peaks.
Mesa – Drag the mouse button over terrain to raise it with a flat top.
Ridge – Drag the mouse button over terrain to create a raised formation with a
rounded top.
Terrain Texture – Opens the toolbox to give you a selection of textures to paint the ter-
rain or the exposed surfaces of cliffs (or raised cubic-shaped areas).
Water – With this button enabled, simply click on the land anywhere in your park to add
water.The level of the water will be the same as the part of the land where you clicked.
Remove water by clicking on it again.
Allows you remove scenery and structures from the park.
One-Click Delete – Causes clicking to delete one item at a time. If you click on a ride,
shop or facility,the game will prompt you to confirm its deletion.
Area Select –Allows you to mark an entire area for demolition by dragging the mouse
button over it. Only scenery and structures are deleted with this tool.
Note: Rides, attractions, shops and facilities can only be removed by clicking on that element to
open its control panel and clicking on the Demolish button found there or by using the One-Click
Delete button.
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