600716 Rev A Operating Tasks 2-23
Operaitng Tasks
When hard-linked files are stored and retrieved, the common
file data is stored or retrieved for all of the links, no matter
which file name is submitted with the
fsstore command.
The return status for the operation lists a file name of any one of
the links and not necessarily the file name submitted as an
argument with the command. If a different linked file name is
returned in the status, the file data was correctly handled.
FileServ prevents hard links between files across DataClass
Symbolic links can cross DataClass boundaries and file system
The DataClass parameters that control the original file are the
DataClass groups of the file links, regardless of the location.
Soft links that cross DataClass groups are misleading, because
the file data can actually reside in a different class.
FileServ supports file spanning across media. If a file is larger
than a single piece if media, the file will span to another piece
of media until the entire file is stored.
A file that spans multiple media always starts at the beginning
of each additional media required to store the file. The file is
stored on media until all available space is used, the remaining
part of the file (spanned portion) is stored on a blank media. If
the file overflows another media, another blank is used until the
entire file is stored.
ADIC does not recommend you use symbolic links across
DataClass groups.