2-38 Operating Tasks 600716 Rev A
The specification of days is made by two fields (day of the
month and day of the week). If both are specified as a list of
elements, the policy adheres to both. If one of the fields is an
asterisk, the other field determines the day of the month or
The example below shows this entry runs a command at
midnight on the 1st and 15th of each month, as well as every
To specify days by only one field, the other field is set to *.
When used to run fspolicy as root,thecron utility is
placed under the
FileServ user ID home directory. Any
generated output or errors are mailed to files location
root or
FileServ user unless they are redirected.
The example below shows fspolicy running periodically on
several different DataClass groups at different times in the
following example of the .
crontab file.
• A storage policy for
prodclass runs at minute 0 of hour 0
(midnight) of every day.
• The cleanup policy is invoked for the file system /dev at 15
minutes after midnight every day.
0 0 * * * /usr/adic/exec/fspolicy -s -c prodclass
15 0 * * * /usr/adic/exec/fspolicy -t -y /dev
15 4 * * * /usr/adic/exec/fspolicy -s -y groupaclass
40 4 * * * /usr/adic/exec/fspolicy -s -y groupbclass
0 0 * * 1-5 /usr/adic/exec/fspolicy -s -y tempclass
0 0 * * 0,6 /usr/adic/exec/fspolicy -s -y permclass