Administrative Tasks
1-22 System Tasks 600716 Rev A
Startup and
The following startup modes exist for FileServ:
• Normal. A normal termination allows a request to continue
to a known processing state. When a normal termination is
unsuccessful, contact technical support personnel to assist
with the correction. If termination exits with a message that
the system abnormally terminated, contact the technical
support personnel.
• Contingency. A contingency start is only recommended
when a normal start fails.
Both types of startup are described below.
Normal Startup
A normal startup is performed following a graceful termination
of FileServ. A normal FileServ startup performs the following
• Reinitializes the system parameters.
• Performs command recovery processing using the recovery
processing information retained after termination.
To normally start or terminate FileServ, the system
administrator runs the
FileServ command. This command
must be issued from a login to the host computer.
This command can also be included in a script that is run
automatically at the time of the host computer initialization.
The FileServ command will automatically starts FileServ
each time the server is restarted.
The licensed subsystems must be configured before startup or
FileServ will fail to start.