Administrative Tasks
1-28 System Tasks 600716 Rev A
General Parameters The fs_sysparm file contains parameters that control general
FileServ activities. The parameters in this file are grouped into
the following categories:
The system administration parameters in the table below can be
changed to tune system performance and media usage. FileServ
must be cycled (using the
FileServ -t and FileServ
commands) to pickup changes to these parameters.
Installation Parameters 1-41
Software Maintenance Parameters 1-43
Media Stats Parameters 1-44
Logging Parameters 1-44
Configurable System Parameters Page
Category Description Page
System Administration Used to tune system performance and media
FileServ Defaults Used with FileServ commands that allow
default value.
File Retention Used by the file comment keyword search and
file expiration daemons.
Installation Established at the time of system installation. 1-41
Software Maintenance Modified as required for software maintenance. 1-43
Parameter Default Definition
NOMINAL_FILE_SIZE 5000000 Nominal file size in bytes to estimate
how many bytes of user data fit on
the remaining space on the media.