Managing the Dial Plan Configuration File 51
When the NBX system detects an error in any line of an imported dial
plan configuration file, it ignores that line and continues to process all
remaining lines in the file. This precaution minimizes the impact of errors
on the dial plan.
To generate a dial plan report:
1 In the NBX NetSet – Main Menu window, click Dial Plan. The Dial Plan
window appears, displaying the Operations tab.
2 Click
Report. The dial plan report appears. Scroll up and down the
browser window to see the full display.
3 Click Close.
The person validating the dial plan test is responsible for verifying that the
test call used the correct dial plan table and dial plan table entry.
To record test results and send them to someone, select the text in the
results pane and use the browser’s copy function (typically found in the
Edit menu) to copy the test results to another application window, such
as an editor or e-mail.
Errors can prevent calls from being successfully routed. Warnings are
conditions that you can easily correct to successfully route the call.
4 When you are finished, click Close at the bottom of the screen.
Modifying a Dial Plan
Configuration File
This section describes how to modify the currently loaded dial plan
configuration file.
CAUTION: Modifications must be syntactically correct. Each time that the
system imports a dial plan configuration file, it verifies the file for errors
and displays the results. To avoid typing mistakes, 3Com suggests that
you start with an existing dial plan (for example, one of the default plans
that are shipped with the NBX system or a plan from another NBX
system), modify it, and save it as a renamed file.
To modify a dial plan configuration file:
1 In the NBX NetSet – Main Menu window, click Dial Plan. The Dial Plan
window appears, displaying the Operations tab.
2 Click
Modify. The Modify Dial Plan dialog box shows a partial display.
Scroll up and down the browser window to see the complete dial plan.