Modifying a
TAPI Route Point
To modify a TAPI Route Point:
1 Log on to the NBX NetSet utility using the administrator login ID and
2 In the NBX NetSet - Main Menu window, click User Configuration > TAPI
Route Points tab.
3 From the list of TAPI Route Points, select the one you want to modify.
4 Click Modify to open the Modify TAPI Route Point dialog box.
5 Modify the information in the fields. Table 52
describes the fields.
Re-enter TAPI
Enter the password a second time. The two passwords must
be identical or the NBX system does not create the TAPI
Route Point.
Extension To have the NBX system assign an extension to the TAPI
Route Point, click Assign Automatically.
To specify an extension for the TAPI Route Point, click Use
this: and enter the extension in the text box. The extension
must be an unused extension within the telephone extension
range specified in the NBX system dial plan.
Class of Service Select Default Route Point Group or a Class of Service that
you have previously created. You can create a Class of
Service by using the Add button on the User Configuration >
CoS tab.
Call Coverage Select the call coverage point that you want for the TAPI
Route Point. If you select Auto Attendant, you must select
Default Menu (the default) or Voicemail from the pull-down
NOTE: If you select Disconnect for Call Coverage, and the
incoming call comes from an analog line card port, the caller
will hear ringing until the caller disconnects.
Timeout Specify a time, in seconds. The Timeout is the amount of
time a call can remain queued in the route point before it
goes to the route point call coverage. For example, a call that
does not have enough caller ID information to allow the
external application to redirect it will eventually time out. A
call can also time out if the Timeout value is set so low that
the external application does not have enough time to
process all the calls in the route point queue.
Values: 0 through 999 (must be numeric)
Table 52 Add TAPI Route Point Dialog Box — Fields and Their Purposes
Field Purpose