latency The sum of all the delays in an end-to-end connection.
layering The process of dividing complex software up into several layers, each of
which performs a specific task. Layering allows faster and easier software
development and is often used in public, open software.
LCD Liquid Crystal Display. A low cost display technology.
LLC Logical Link Control. A data link protocol for LANs that is part of the IEEE
802.2 standard and common to all LAN standards for OSI model data
link, level two transmissions.
loop start The most common signaling method in the public telephone network,
typically used for residence and business CO
MAC Media Access Control. A sub-layer of the Data Link layer (Layer 2) of the
ISO OSI model
responsible for media control. Also known as the “MAC
MAC address A unique 48-bit number that is encoded in the circuitry of a device to
identify it on a LAN. Also known as a “hardware address” or an
managed hub A network device in which each port on the hub can be configured,
monitored, and enabled or disabled by a network administrator from a
hub management console or utility tied into an SNMP (Signaling Network
Management Protocol) platform. Hub management can also include
gathering information on network parameters.
MAU Medium Attachment Unit. A transceiver that provides the correct
electrical or optical connection between the computer and IEEE 802.3
LAN media.
MIB Management Information Base. A database that can be accessed by a
gateway running CMIP (Common Management Information Protocol),
CMOT (CMIP Over TCP/IP), or SNMP (Signaling Network Management
Protocol) network management protocols. The MIB defines variables
needed by the protocol to monitor and control components in a network.
Managers can fetch or store these variables.
modem MOdulator/DEModulator. A modem converts a binary bit stream to an
analog signal and vice versa.