Control Parameters To configure VPIM control parameters, select NBX Messaging > VPIM. See
the Help for the procedure on configuring control parameters.
Table 70
explains the VPIM control parameter fields and their purpose.
The Operations Management dialog box allows you to manage the
queue of outgoing voice mail messages.
To select queue management parameters, select NBX Messaging > VPIM
> Operations Management. See the Help for procedures on configuring
queue management parameters.
Table 71
contains a list of the fields within this dialog box along with a
description of their purpose.
Table 70 VPIM Tab Fields
Field Purpose
Max message size Controls the size of incoming messages from other
sites. If a message is larger than the specified
value, the NBX system rejects it. The default value
represents a voice mail message approximately 4
to 5 minutes in length.
Default: 3000 Kbytes
Minimum: 500 Kbytes
Maximum: 5000 Kbytes
Time between send attempts
For outgoing messages, the NBX system may not
be able to contact the target system on the first
attempt. If so, the NBX system attempts to contact
the target system later. To change the time
between attempts to send a voice mail message,
change this number.
Default: 15 minutes
Minimum: 1 minute
Maximum: 60 minutes
Max number of send attempts To change the number of times the NBX system
attempts to connect to the target system, modify
the number (default is 4 attempts) in this text box.
If the NBX system is unsuccessful in contacting the
target system after the specified number of send
attempts, the voice mail message is returned to the
sender’s voice mail box along with an indication
that the message could not be sent.
Default: 4 attempts
Minimum: 1 attempt
Maximum: 10 attempts