Changing Extensions
You can perform several operations through the Modify Extensions dialog
box (Table 10
). This section describes several examples.
Example: If you select Change Extension from the Operation list, the
system replaces the selected extension with the number you type in the
text box.
Example: If you select Strip Leading Digits from the Operation list, and
type the number 2 in the text box, the system strips (removes) two digits
from the beginning of the extension.
Example: If you select extensions 1000 through 1009 and select Strip
Trailing Digits from the Operation list, the system does not make any
change, because the result is a series of identical numbers (all 100).
Extension Lists
An extension list contains NBX extension numbers that are assigned and
dedicated to specific dial tone facilities or to specific NBX applications
(such as voice mail, Auto Attendant, and so on), or both. You can add an
extension list to define a subset of devices such as fax machines.
Extension lists are typically numbered upward starting at *0001 in either
a 3-digit or 4-digit plan. By convention, the extension list number is
preceded by an asterisk. See Table 11
for a description of the standard
extension lists.
CAUTION: Extension lists must not overlap.
Table 10 Modify Extension Operations
Operation Purpose
Change Extension Modifies the first selected extension. Change Extension
applies to only one extension at a time. If you select multiple
extensions, the NBX system changes only the first extension
that you selected.
Prepend Prepends the digits in front of all selected extensions.
Append Appends the digits to the end of all selected extensions.
Strip Leading Digits Strips (removes) the specified number of digits from the
beginning of all selected extensions.
Strip Trailing Digits Strips (removes) the specified number of digits from the end
of all selected extensions.