Dial Plan Configuration File Commands 103
List of Dial Plan
The dial plan commands are described in this section. They are listed in
alphabetical order:
■ DestinationRoute Create
■ DestinationRouteEntry Create
■ DestinationRouteOperation Create
■ ExtensionLength
■ ExtensionRange
■ ExternalSettings
■ PreTranslator Create
■ PreTranslatorEntry Create
■ PreTranslatorEntry Delete
■ PreTranslatorOperation Create
■ Table Create
■ TableEntry Create
■ TimedRoute Create
■ TimedRouteEntry Create
■ TimedRouteOperation Create
DestinationRoute Create
DestinationRoute Create nRouteId szDescription
Description Creates a route that specifies the primary and alternative
destination device of a call (for example, which CO Line or Digital Line
Card port over which to route the call). If the destination route already
exists, this command removes all of its entries and operations, and
overwrites its description with the new information.
nRouteId — An integer in the range 1 – 32768, uniquely identifying this
destination route.
szDescription — The description or name of the destination route.