Installing ConneXtions 397
15 Do you want to use alternate Gatekeepers? If you select Yes, the chosen
gatekeeper maintains a list of alternate gatekeepers to be used if the
preferred gatekeeper does not respond.
If you choose to use alternate gatekeepers and have also selected to
autodiscover new gatekeepers if ConneXtions cannot contact the
preferred gatekeeper, ConneXtions first tries to use alternate gatekeepers
from the list (in priority order); if this fails, it then tries to autodiscover a
new gatekeeper.
16 Do you want to route calls through the Gatekeeper? You can route H.323
calls through the gatekeeper for these reasons:
■ To control calls more effectively. For example, service providers need to
be able to control call flow to allow them to bill for calls placed
through the network.
■ To reroute a call to another endpoint if a called endpoint is
■ To maintain interoperability with multi-vendor equipment which
routes all calls directly using the gatekeeper.
■ To use address resolution in large multi-zone configurations which
have one or more gatekeepers in each zone.
17 You are prompted to set the size of the log files. The default value is 1
Mb. ConneXtions maintains two log files, named
ConneXtions02.log. Data is logged to only one of these at a time.
Once the active log file reaches a specified size, data logging switches to
the second log file. Any data previously stored in that log file is
18 Setup Complete: Click Finish.
Finishing the
Verify the installation:
1 Select the Line Card Ports tab under the Device Configuration heading in
NBX NetSet.
2 Note the MAC Address, extension, status, and group for each port.
3 Record the extension numbers for each H.323 port.
4 Enter user-friendly port names that appear when a user dials an H.323
5 Close the browser to exit NBX NetSet and end the installation.