Call Reporting 347
Call Reporting The NBX Call Processor captures information about all outgoing and
incoming calls made through the system. To view this call information in
detail, you must install Call Reports (Downloads > Software > NBX Call
Detail Reports) on a networked computer as specified later in this section.
Then, you must download the call report information, which is referred to
as call detail reports, from the system to a local hard drive.
After you install NBX Call Detail Reports, you can:
■ Retrieve calling data from the system.
■ Generate formatted reports.
■ Export reports in formats suitable for use with third-party reporting
software, spreadsheets, databases, and word processing applications.
■ Export your call data in HTML format for publication on a web server.
■ Export reports to a disk file or directly to a Microsoft mail message or a
Microsoft Exchange folder.
Call reports do not include information on the locked or unlocked status
of telephones.
See the Help in the NBX Call Detail Reports application software for
Your computer must have these minimum requirements to run Call
■ Processor — Pentium 166MHz or higher
■ Operating System — Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 6a), Windows
98, Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2), or Windows XP
■ RAM — 32 MB on Windows 98; 64 MB on Windows NT or Windows
2000; 128 MB on Windows XP
■ Network — Network connectivity to the NBX Call Processor
■ Disk Space — At least 40 MB of free disk space
Installing Call Reports To install NBX Call Reports, select Downloads > Software > NBX Call
See the Help topic for Downloads > Software in the NBX Call Reports
installation procedures.