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2: G
Bridge Connections
The Telnet protocol is used for remotely logging on to a device.
The following requirements must be met for remote login:
You must have an account on the host and you must know the
operator ID and password for that account.
You must know either the host name or IP address of the host.
You can only use the host names configured in your local IP Host
Table screen.
If you are logging on from a remote host, the terminal must
support VT100.
Logging On To The Bridge
You can log on to the bridge locally (via the LinkBuilder MSH) and
remotely (via Telnet). The bridge can accept:
Either a local or a remote log on.
Both a local and a remote log on.
The bridge cannot accept:
Multiple local or remote log ons.
Telnet From The Bridge
The bridge has Telnet capabilities, allowing you to Telnet from the
bridge to another device. The bridge allows you to:
Telnet from the bridge if you have locally logged on. The bridge
can still accept a remote log on.
The bridge does not allow you to:
Have multiple Telnet sessions from the bridge.
Telnet from the bridge if you have remotely logged on.