
The VT100 Management Interface 2-3
The VT100 Management Interface
The VT100 management interface is used for bridge
management. The screens are based on forms and are controlled
using special interface control keys.
The bridge has different control keys to the MSH management
module. When you log on to the bridge, the bridge control keys
take over. The bridge control keys are described in Bridge Control
Keys on page 2-8.
The screens are grouped hierarchically. For a complete menu map
of the bridge screens, see
The VT100 Bridge Menu Map
on page
2-6. The menu map also appears on
The LinkBuilder MSH 4 Port
Ethernet Bridge Module 3C18600 Quick Reference Guide
, that
accompanies this manual.
This chapter assumes that you are familiar with the VT100
management interface.
Please refer to
The LinkBuilder MSH Management Module
for information on connecting VT100 and VT100 via Telnet. The
manual also describes VT100 screen conventions and VT100
control keys.