5-40 C
5: F
Get Requests:
Display Field. The number of GET requests
received by the SNMP agent.
Get Next Requests:
Display Field. The number of GET-NEXT
requests received by the SNMP agent.
Total Requested Variables:
Display Field. The number of MIB
variables retrieved by the SNMP agent as the result of GET and
GET-NEXT requests.
Set Requests:
Display Field. The number of SET requests
received by the SNMP agent.
Total Set Variables:
Display Field. The number of variables
received by the SNMP agent as the result of the SET requests.
ASN.1 Parse Errors:
Display Field. The number of SNMP
requests discarded because they contained an ASN.1 encoding
Out Packets
Out Packets:
Display Field. The total number of SNMP messages
sent by the SNMP agent.
Out Too Big Errors:
Display Field. The number of messages sent
by the agent that contained the value ’tooBig’ in the error-status
field. These messages respond to client requests that are either
too long to be held in the system's buffers, or require a response
from the agent that would be too long.
Out No Such Names:
Display Field. The number of messages
sent by the agent that contained the value ’noSuchName’ in the
error-status field. These messages respond to client requests that
contain variable names (OBJECT-IDENTIFIERS) the agent does not