
Viewing UDP Statistics 5-29
duplicate acks:
Display Field. The number of frames received
where the TCP ACK bit was set and the Acknowledgement
number was the same as the previously received ACK.
acks for unsent data:
Display Field. The number of frames
received where the TCP ACK bit was set and the
Acknowledgement number is greater than the last byte number
in the datastream sent so far.
pkts rcvd in-sequence:
Display Field. The number of packets
received where the sequence numbers follow one another.
dupl pkts:
Display Field. The number of packets received where
the sequence number is the same.
pkts w. some dup. data:
Display Field. The number of packets
received where some of the data is a repetition of data already
sent, but the remaining data in the packet is new.
pkts rcvd out-of-order:
Display Field. The number of packets
received where the sequence number has not followed on from
previous packets.
pkts of data after window:
Display Field. The number of
packets received containing data after the window size has
reached zero.
window probes:
Display Field. The number of packets sent by
the data sender containing the last byte of data in order to
ascertain if it can send any more data.
window update pkts:
Display Field. The number of packets
received containing no data but updating the window size.
pkts rcvd after close:
Display Field. The number of packets
received after a FIN has been received for the session.
discarded for bad checksum:
Display Field. The number of
packets received where the TCP checksum was invalid.