Figure 1: SR560 Block Diagram
The SR560 architecture is diagrammed
above. The instrument provides DC-
coupled low-noise amplification of single-
ended and true differential input signals at
gains of 1 to 50,000. Two configurable R-C
filters are provided to selectively condition
signals in the frequency range from DC to 1
MHz. The user can choose high dynamic
reserve or low noise settings, and can invert
the output relative to the input. The SR560
normally operates with a fully floating
ground and can be viewed as an "in-line-
BNC amplifier" with the amplifier ground
isolated from the chassis and the AC power
supply. Opto-isolated input blanking control
and listen-only RS-232 interface lines are
provided for instrument control. Digital
noise is eliminated by shutting down the
microprocessor's oscillator except during
the short time required to alter the
instrument's configuration, either through a
front-panel pushbutton or through an RS-
232 command. Internal sealed lead-acid
batteries provide 15 hours of line-