NO COPY • You tried to make a copy from a disc that is protected by the Serial
Copy Management System. You cannot make copies from a
digitally connected source which was itself recorded using digital
, Use analog connection instead (page 6).
NO DISC • You tried to play or record with no disc in the recorder.
, Insert an MD.
NO SIGNAL • The recorder could not detect digital input signals.
, Make sure that the source is connected firmly (page 13).
P/B ONLY • You tried to record or edit on a premastered MD (P/B stands for
, Insert a recordable MD.
PROTECTED • You tried to record or edit on a MD with the tab in the record-
protect position.
, Slide the tab back (page 42).
SORRY • You tried to erase the track mark at the beginning of the first track.
• You tried to erase a track mark to combine tracks the recorder
cannot combine (a track recorded in stereo and in mono, for
• You tried to set DIGITAL MEGA BASS while the “AUDIO OUT”
parameter was set to “LINE OUT”.
, Use the jog lever to set the “AUDIO OUT” parameter to
“HeadPhone” (page 3, 11).
• You tried to press X or T MARK during synchro-recording.
TEMP OVER • Heat has built up in the recorder.
, Let the recorder cool down.
TR FULL • There is no more space for new data when you are editing the MD.
, Erase unnecessary tracks (page 29).
TrPROTECT • You tried to record or edit on a track that is protected from erasing.
, Record or edit on other tracks.
EDITING • You pressed a key on the recorder while editing on the remote
MENU • You pressed a key on the remote control while selecting a menu on
the recorder.
LINE OUT • You pressed VOL +/– while the “AUDIO OUT” parameter was set
to “LINE OUT.”
, Use the jog lever to set the “AUDIO OUT” parameter to
“HeadPhone” (page 3, 11) .
NO TEXT • You tried to use the CD text copying function to copy a track or
disc name from a CD that has no text data (page 21).
Error message Meaning/Remedy