File Library
QSControl Hardware Support
QSControl Software Support
EX, MXa, VS, USA, and Series One
Slot Accessories
General Notes
File Types
Mechanical drawings
Application notes
Field service notes
Service bulletins
Owners manual text segments
Environment files
Computer utilities and drivers
Service manual text segments
Computer configuration tips
Block diagrams
These are primarily text, graphics, utility, and program files.
Security Levels
New User Cursory access, for review
Full User Customer access
QSC User Full access
Sysop Supervisory access
User Privileges and Security
New User 30 minutes per day
No uploads
No downloads
Standard messages access
Bulletin access
Full User 90 minutes per day
5 uploads per day
5 downloads per day
Standard messages access
Bulletin access
QSC User Unlimited time per day
10 uploads per day
10 downloads per day
Unlimited messages access
All menu and system access
*Uploads and messages subject to verification and editing by the sysop.
Communications Settings
14400 bps (also supports 1200, 2400, and 9600 bps)
8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
QSC maintains a service center network for your conve-
nience. If you choose to return your product to a local
service center, you may call QSC Technical Services for
a referral. Accessories, input modules and other periph-
eral QSC products must be returned to the factory for
For QSC products that are purchased outside of the
United States, service must be referred to the distributor
or dealer from where the product was purchased. There
are numerous service centers in many countries. The
service centers in your country may be located by your
dealer, distributor, or by contacting QSC Technical Ser-
If you have a computer with a modem you can take
advantage of QSC’s convenient technical support bulle-
tin board system,
QSC OnLine
. Download software
updates, messages, or hardware application notes; up-
load questions, comments, and useful tips, and more.
This service is available free of charge, around the clock,
365 days a year (366 days in leap years).
As of March 18, 1994—
BBS Hours: 24 hours a day
BBS Telephone Number: (714) 668-7567
Automatic system maintenance hours:
1:00 a.m.–2:00 a.m. Pacific Time
(no log-ons during this hour)
System type: Open (no subscription fee)
Host location: QSC Customer Service Department
Costa Mesa, California
Support Areas
Ordering and Support Information
Mail Messages
General Forum
Parts & Accessory Ordering
Technical Commentary
QSControl Hardware Support
QSControl Software Support
EX, MXa, VS, USA, and Series One
Slot Accessories
General Notes