Browsing for a song/video
Operations to control an iPod with this unit is
designed to be as close to the iPod as possible
to make operation and song/video search
! If the characters recorded on the iPod are
not compatible with this unit, those charac-
ters are not displayed.
1 Touch MENU to display iPod menus.
2 Touch one of the categories in which
you want to search for a song/video.
When browsing for a song
! PLAYLISTS (playlists)
! ARTISTS (artists)
! ALBUMS (albums)
! SONGS (songs)
! PODCASTS (podcasts)
! GENRES (genres)
! COMPOSERS (composers)
! AUDIOBOOKS (audiobooks)
When browsing for a video
! V.PLAYLISTS (playlists)
! MOVIES (movies)
! MUSICVIDEOS (music video)
! V.PODCASTS (video podcasts)
! TV SHOWS (TV shows)
# To switch between groups of categories, touch
3 Touch a list title that you want to play.
Repeat this operation until you find the de-
sired song/video.
# You can start playback throughout the se-
lected list by touching and holding desired list
# You can start a playback of all the songs in the
selected list (GENRES, ARTISTS, COMPOSERS or
ALBUMS). To do this, touch ALL.
# You can start a playback of all the videos in
the selected list (MUSICVIDEOS or TV SHOWS).
To do this, touch ALL.
# To switch between the lists of titles, touch
# To return to the previous menu, touch MENU.
4 Touch ESC to return to the ordinary dis-
Displaying text information on
% Touch INFO to select the desired text in-
: song title— : artist name— : album title
# If the characters recorded on the iPod are not
compatible with this unit, those characters are
not displayed.
Repeating play
For playback of the songs on the iPod, there
are two repeat play ranges: ONE (repeat one
song) and ALL (repeat all songs in the list).
! While repeat play range is set to ONE, you
cannot select the other songs. However,
you can select other songs while browsing.
1 Touch NEXT.
2 Touch
to select the repeat range.
! ONE – Repeat just the current song
! ALL – Repeat all songs in the selected list
# To switch between groups of touch panel keys,
touch NEXT or PREV.
Playing songs in a random
order (shuffle)
For playback of songs on the iPod, there are
two random play methods: SONGS (play back
songs in a random order) and ALBUMS (play
back albums in a random order).
% Touch
to select the random play
! SONGS – Play back songs in the selected
list in random order.
! ALBUMS – Play back songs from a ran-
domly selected album in order.
# To cancel the random play, touch
edly until the shuffle icon is turned off.
Playing all songs in a random
order (shuffle all)
This method plays all songs on the iPod ran-
% Touch
to turn shuffle all on.
All songs on the iPod play randomly.
Operating this unit
Operating this unit