TB 9-6625-2049-35
Paragraph Page
Triangle and ramp amplitude ............................
16 17
Dc offset...............................................................
17 18
Dc offset with ac..................................................
18 19
High voltage output option 002 only...................
19 20
Power supply.......................................................
20 21
Final procedure ...................................................
21 22
1. Test Instrument Identification. This bulletin provides instructions for the
calibration of Synthesizer/Function Generator, Hewlett-Packard, Models 3325A( ) and
3325B( ). The manufacturer's manuals and TM 11-6625-3065-14 were used as the prime
data sources in compiling these instructions. The equipment being calibrated will be
referred to as the TI (test instrument) throughout this bulletin.
a. Model Variations. Option 001: High Stability Frequency Reference; Option 002:
High Voltage Output; Option E04: includes Options 001, 002, and instrument front
handles and chassis slides; Option 907: Front Handle Assembly; Option 908: Rack Mount
Flange Kit; Option 909: Rack Mount Flange Kit/Front Handle Assembly; Option 910:
Additional Operating and Service Manual. Variations among models are described in text,
tables, and figures.
b. Time and Technique. The time required for this calibration is approximately 4
hours, using the dc and low frequency technique.
2. Forms, Records, and Reports
a. Forms, records and reports required for calibration personnel at all levels are
prescribed by TB 750-25.
b. Adjustments to be reported are designated (R) at the end of the sentence in which
they appear. When adjustments are in tables, the (R) follows the designated adjustment.
Report only those adjustments made and designated with (R).
3. Calibration Description. TI parameters and performance specifications which
pertain to this calibration are in table 1.