AM1000T Power Set / Tuning Module
Coil Tune
Cap Tune
When transmitter is turned on, the computer will start in Power Set mode if there is a shunt in J13 (Power is set
When you are tuning you will get better readings with the power all the way down (Power Adjust counter
clockwise). Also it will help if the Cap Tune (10 turn device) is about in the middle of it’s range (5 turns in from
either way). Please note the tuning function is an alternative to using a meter.
To go to the Coil Tune program (first tuning step) turn transmitter on with shunt in J13, wait 1-2 seconds, remove
J13 shunt, then replace shunt back into J13.
To use the Coil Tune program simply move the shunt on the Coil Tune jumper block, and then remove J13, if the
voltage is higher the LED will be green, if lower the LED will be red. Then immediately replace J13 shunt. At this
point you can move the Coil Tune shunt if you wish again and take another reading with J13. If the LED goes
blank (It is starting Cap Tune program) just turn power off/on with J13 in, then move J13 out/in.
Be sure to have your hands away from antenna and coil areas when you remove J13 to take a reading, otherwise
you may get confusing readings.
The goal in tuning is to peak the voltage, or to arrive at the peak possible voltage using the Coil Tune shunt and
tuning tool on the Cap tune.