Press INFO key to pop up the Info bar.
Press INFO key again to pop up the program
guide of the current program. You can press
keys to know the program guide of the
future 16 days.
6. Hot Key
Press EPG key to enter into the EPG window.
1. Press PR+, PR-, keys to select up
or down, left or right.
2. Press red colour key to pop up the Time
Bar window. Press PR+, PR- keys to select
up or down, while press keys to select
left or right in the time bar.
: Press OK key at this button to return to
the EPG window.
6.1 Info
6.2 EPG
: Press OK key at this button to move the
cursor to the current time line.
: Press OK key to push the time forward
or backward by half an hour.
: Press OK key to push the time
forward or backward by half an hour.
: Press OK key to push the time
forward or backward by a day. From the
current day, you can switch among the
future 14 days in circle.
4. Press green colour key to enter into the Timer window. You can add the current
program to the Timer. If 8 timers is already, system will inform "Timer is full!'.
3. Detail Information: In the EPG window, press PR+, PR- keys to select the
channel and program, and press OK key to know the detail information of the
current program.