Krell Current Mode maintains the integrity of the signal within the component and
CAST preserves the transmitted signal between components. Together, CAST and
Krell Current Mode technologies unify separate Krell components into a
global circuit.
Krell Current Mode technology enjoys bandwidth increases up to an
order of magnitude greater than their voltage based counterparts. This dramatic
increase in circuit bandwidth delivers near perfection in the audible band that typi-
cally suffers from phase distortions in voltage circuits.
CAST Cable Construction
A CAST system uses cables manufactured by Krell and other manufacturers spe-
cially licensed by Krell. Thin and flexible CAST cables ar
e constructed with the
same build quality as other Krell components and are aesthetically matched to the
components that Krell manufactures. An all-metal body and locking connectors
with gold contacts ar
e part of the standard no-compromise specification devel-
oped for every CAST cable made.
Evolution CAST
By employing radical current mirror circuitry, the Evolution 222 components ele-
vate the CAST technology to another level. This advanced use of the technology
increases the linearity, transient speed, and bandwidth of the Evolution compo-
nents while reducing the distortion by an or
der of magnitude.
The Best Musical Performance
When you operate a CAST system, you will hear significant impr
ovements in every
performance ar
ea: speed, pr
ecision, dynamic range, depth and width of the sound
stage, transient impact, tonal balance, harmonic distortion, and mor
e. The goal for
CAST is the same company goal used for all Krell products. Krell strives for the
delivery of the best performance of a musical event for you, using the full expr
sion of technology to date.
(SECTION ONE: Evolution 222 Features and Technology continued)