6325 Digital Way Indianapolis, IN 46278 317.616.6789 phone 317.616.6790 fax www.escient.com
future implementation]
02 07 Database has changed. The external control system should re-read
the library information.
02 08 GUI to Movie. User switched to the Full screen movie.
[possible future implementation]
02 09 Movie to GUI. User switched back to the FireBall GUI from a movie.
[possible future implementation]
02 10 Security Password changed. The system is now locked (password
protected mode) until the user unlocks it.
02 11 Video mode changed.
02 Event Format: ESCX02110010002xx
Where xx = the new video mode
00 = Video is in normal mode (FireBall video)
01 = Video is in passthru mode (DVD changer video)
02 12 Volume changed or muted
02 Event Format: ESCX02120020002xx0003yyy
xx = new volume command
00 = Volume mute / un-mute
01 = Volume down
02 = Volume up
yyy = zone to which the volume command applies
number 000 to 999
The Remote Button / Keyboard commands are used when the video output of the FireBall
system is displayed on a TV or large screen projector and it is desired to directly select the
FireBall control functions through an external control system.
The up, down, left, right, and select functions can be used to navigate objects on the screen
and select them. The active FireBall control function is highlighted and the selection cursor is
moved over it.
Various other commands are used to mimic the operation of the remote control. Note that the
command response will be “OK” as long as the key code is a valid one, even though the
system may ignore the key if the system is in a mode where the key would not normally be
Remote Button / Keyboard Commands
10 01 Left
10 02 Up
10 03 Right
10 04 Down
10 05 Select
10 06 Move To X and Y Coordinates and Select
10 The upper left point on the screen is (0,0) and the
resolution of the screen is 720 by 480 pixels.