Reference Manual MAS2600: Intrinsically Safe Installation
Ed 21 December 2014
The entity concept allows inter-connections of intrinsically safe apparatus to associated apparatus
not specifically examined in combination as a system. The approved values of maximum open circuit
voltage and maximum short circuit current and maximum output power, for the associated appara-
tus must be less than or equal to the maximum safe input voltage (U
), maximum safe input current
), and maximum safe input power (P
) of the intrinsically safe apparatus. In addition, the approved
maximum allowable connected capacitance of the associated apparatus must be greater than the
sum of the inter-connecting cable capacitance and the unprotected internal capacitance (C
) of the
intrinsically safe apparatus, and the approved maximum allowable connected inductance of the
associated apparatus must be greater than the sum of the inter-connecting cable inductance and the
unprotected internal inductance (L
) of the intrinsically safe apparatus.