To group the services into Favourite;
Move the cursor to 'All TV Services'- plate (right) by using
the key.
2. Select the service you want to group into Favourite.
3. Press the OK key.
4. Move the cursor to "Favourite-plate"(left) by using the
5. Press the OK key to save the selected group.
Note: You can move the cursor to plate by using the / keys and
select the previous and next page by using the P+/P- keys.
B. Organise Radio Services
This function is the same with TV services except that it
uses radio services. You can delete or move each radio
services and change the radio services attributes.
Organise All Services
This submenu allows the user to rename, delete, move,
skip or lock each radio services on all radio service list.
Organise Favourite Radio Services
This menu allows the user to add, delete, move, skip, lock or
rename each radio services in the favourite radio services
and group them into the favourite radio services.
The way to group the services into Favourite is same to that
of TV Services(Page 23).
Guide of
Main Menu