4. Modify Velocity
This job alters the velocity of the notes in the specified
range. The velocity refers to the strength at which a
key is pressed. You can change the velocity using two
types of parameters: the Rate and Offset.
The volume may differ depending on the selected voice
that has a different velocity settings in the Voice Edit
The modified velocity value will be obtained based on
the formula below.
Modified velocity = original velocity value x Rate +
Offset value
The velocity value doesn’t exceed the upper and lower
limits,1 and 127.
■ Track
Sets the track where Modify Velocity will be
❏ Settings: 1~16 (Sequence tracks 1~16)
■ Measure
Sets the measure range (beginning measure to the
end measure) where Modify Velocity is executed.
❏ Settings: 001~999 (for the beginning measure and the
end measure)
■ Rate
Increases or decreases the velocity of all notes in the
designated range by multiplying the Rate value. A
setting of 100% produces no change. A setting less
than 100% will decrease the velocity, whereas a
setting above 100% increase it.
❏ Settings: 000%~100%~200%
■ Offset
Increases or decreases the velocity of all notes in the
designated range by adding the Offset value. A
setting of 0 produces no change. Negative values
decrease the velocity, while positive values increase
❏ Settings: –99~+00~+99
Original Data
64 32 127 96
Velocity offset=–20
76 44 12 107 76
Velocity offset=+20
116 84 52 127 116
Original Data
64 32 127 96
Velocity rate=50%
48 32 16 63 48
Velocity rate=150%
127 96 48 127 127
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