■ PEG Depth (Pitch Envelope Generator Depth)
Sets the PEG depth that affects the modulation
wave’s pitch.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ PEG DepthVel (Pitch Envelope Generator
Depth Velocity)
Sets the velocity sensitivity for the PEG depth. The
PEG depth can be controlled by the velocity at which
the note played on the keyboard.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ M.FreqCoarse (Main Frequency Coarse)
Sets the offset value for the main modulation wave’s
frequency. The value set here is added or subtracted
to or from the frequency set in the Pitch Coarse.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
A negative value will also raise the frequency, though, the
value will be offset if a positive value is set for the other
■ M.FreqFine (Main Frequency Fine)
Finely adjusts the offset value set in the
M.FreqCoarse above.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ S.FreqCoarse (Sub Frequency Coarse)
Sets the offset value for the sub modulation wave’s
frequency. The value set here is added or subtracted
to or from the frequency set in the Sub Pitch.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ S.FreqFine (Sub Frequency Fine)
Finely adjusts the offset value set in the
S.FreqCoarse above.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
When the above four parameters, Main/Sub Frequency
Coarse/Fine, are set to 0, the modulation frequency is
determined only by KeyFollow. In this case, setting the
KeyFollow Coarse to +32 will be equivalent to the result,
which the operator is set to ratio in the FM synthesis.
■ EG Mode (Envelope Generator Mode)
Sets the EG mode (the way in which the EG
functions). There are two types of modes.
❏ Settings:
decay: The EG effect decays.
attack: The EG effect increases.
■ EG Time (Envelope Generator Time)
Sets the amount of time from when the note is
played to when the EG terminates.
❏ Settings: 0~127
■ EG Time Kflw (Envelope Generator Time
Sets the KeyFollow for the EG Time. This KeyFollow
function controls the amount of the EG time in
accordance with the notes played on the keyboard.
When set to a positive value, the higher the note
played on the keyboard, the shorter the EG time
becomes. When a negative value is set, the lower the
note played, the shorter the EG time becomes.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ M.Mod Depth (Main Modulation Depth)
Sets the modulation depth of the main modulator.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ M.Mod EG
(Main Modulation Envelop Generator Depth)
Sets the EG depth for the modulation depth of the
main modulator.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ M.Mod EG Vel (Main Modulation Envelop
Generator Velocity)
Sets the velocity sensitivity for the main modulation
EG depth. The main modulation EG depth can be
controlled by the velocity at which the note played
on the keyboard.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ S.Mod Depth (Sub Modulation Depth)
Sets the modulation depth of the sub modulator.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ S.Mod EG
(Sub Modulation Envelop Generator Depth)
Sets the EG depth for the modulation depth of the
sub modulator.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ S.Mod EG Vel (Sub Modulation Envelop
Generator Velocity)
Sets the velocity sensitivity for the sub modulation
EG depth. The sub modulation EG depth can be
controlled by the velocity at which the note played
on the keyboard.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
Voice/E.qx 5/21/98 11:31 AM Page 139