To insert an event, first designate the insert location and
select the event then press [ENTER].
To change the location of an event, designate the location
and press [ENTER].
To delete an event, move the cursor to an event and press
[F8] (Delete).
For more information on each event, see below.
Undo/Redo function in Song Job mode allows you to
cancel the edit operation you have done or execute the
operation again.
[F1]: SEQ (Tr1~16: Sequence tracks 1~16)
When editing the sequence tracks, you can insert new
event data as well as change the location and value of
previously existing event data. Press [F1] (SEQ) to
display the Sequence Track Event List screen. [F5]INS
(Insert) and [F6] CHNG (Change) functions are added
to the menu. Also [F8] DEL (Delete) is added for
deleting events.
Event Data That Can Be Edited
■ Note
Edits note data (Note Name, Gate Time, Velocity).
❏ Settings:
1 Note: C–2~G8
2 Gate (Gate Time: Beat/Clock): 00~99/000~479
3 Note symbol: Displays the note length closest to the value
designated in Gate Time.
4 Vel (Velocity): 1~127
■ Bend (Pitch Bend)
Edits the Pitch Bend data (value).
❏ Settings:
1 Value: –8192~+8191
■ PC (Program Change)
Edits the Program Change data (Bank MSB/LSB and
Voice number). Voice will change when this event is
encountered in a song.
❏ Settings:
1 Bank MSB (Bank MSB): 000~127, *** (not assigned)
2 Bank LSB (Bank LSB): 000~127, *** (not assigned)
3 NUM (Number): 001~128
4 Bank/Voice Name (displayed but not selectable)
For more information about voice banks/numbers, see
the Voice List in the separate Data List book.
■ CC (Control Change)
Edits the Control Change data (Control Number and
its value).
❏ Settings:
1 Control: 000~127
2 Value: 0~127
For more information about Control Numbers, see the
separate Data List book.
For more information about Control Change data, see
the separate Data List book.
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