_lng in rigsmanual _,dealgned to
ensure-thatthe weightsystem can be assem-
read t_e_on onthls pege. This
brief_ will _,e_'youm _uchmore
timethanlt tak_ to remHt.
Assembly Requires Two Persons
For yourconvenience and safety, assemble the
weight system withthe help of another person.
Set Aside Enough Time
Due to the many features ofthe weight system, the
assembly processwill requireseveral hours. By
settingaside plenty oftime and by decidingto
make the task enjoyable, assemblywillgo smoothly
Select a Location for the Weight System
Because of _tsweight and size, the weightsystem
shouldbe assembled in the locationwhere it will be
used. Make sure that there is enoughroom to walk
aroundthe weight system as you assemble it.
How to Unpack the Box
To make assembly easier, we have dividedthe
assembly processinto four stages. The small hard-
ware needed for each stage ispackaged in sepa-
rate bags. Important: Walt until you begin each
stage to open the parts bag(s) for that stage.
Place all parts of the weightsystem m a cleared
area and remove the packingmaterials. Do not dis-
pose of the packingmaterialsuntilassemblyis com-
Make sure that you have the following tools:
• Two adjustablewrenches
• One standardscrewdriver
• One phillipsscrewdriver
• One rubbermallet
• You willalso need grease or petroleumjelly,a
small amountof soapywater, and masking tape.
Note Assemblywill be more convenient ifyou have
a socketset, a set of open-end or closed-end
wrenches, or a set ofratchet wrenches.
How to Identify Parts
To helpyou _denhfythe small parts used inassembly,
center of this manual Lay the chart on the floor and
use it to easily _dentifypartsduringeach assembly
step. Note: Some small parts may have been pre-
attached. If a part Is not in the parts bag, check
to see If It has been pre-atteched.
How to Orient Parts
As you assemble the weightsystem, make sure that
all parts are orientedexactly as shown in the draw-
Tightening Parts
"nghtenall partsas you assemble them, unless
instructedtodo otherwise.
If you have questionsafter reading the assembly
instructions,please call our Customer Service
Department toll-free at 1-800-999-3756, Monday
through Fnday,6 a.m. until6 p m. MountainTime.
The Four Stages of the Assembly Process
Frame Assembly--You wdlbegin by assembling
the base and the upnghtsthat form the skeleton of
the weightsystem.
Arm Assembly--During this stage, you will
assemble the arms and the leg lever
Cable Assembly--During this stage, you will
attach the cables and pulleysthatconnect the
weight stationstothe weight stacks.
Seat Assembly--During the final stage, you will
assemble the seat and the backrests.