16. Pressa 1 112"x 2" Inner Cap (21) into the R_ght
ButterflyArm (26). Wet the lower end of theArm with
soapy water. Slidea LongPad (54) onto theArm.
Slidetwo Nut Clips (106) onto a Press Handle (27).
Attachthe PressHandle to the RightButterflyArm
(26) withtwo 5/16" x 3/4" ButtonHead Screws (51)
Slidethe Long Pad (54) down so that the bottomis
flushwiththe lowerend of theArm. Press a 1"
Round InnerCap (29) intothe Press Handle.Wet
the Press Handle withsoapy water.Slide a Long
Handgrip(28) ontothe Press Handle
Lubricatea 3/8" x 2" Bolt(100) with grease. Attach
a Pivot Bracket (70) to the Right ButterflyArm (26)
with the Boltand a 318"NylonJamnut (113) Do not
overtlghten the Nylon Jamnut; the Pivot Bracket
must be able to pivot easily. Repeat this step
with the Left Butterfly Arm (25).
17. Lubricatea 3/8" x 3" ButtonHead Bolt (104) and
both sides of two Plastic Washers (56) withgrease.
Attach the Right Butterfly Arm (26) to the Butterfly
Frame (47) with the Bolt, the two Plashc Washers,
two Butterfly Caps (57), two 3/8" Washers (91), and
a 3/8" Nylon Jamnut (113) as shown. Make sure
that the recessed sides of the Plastic Washers
are fitted over the welded bushing In the
Butterfly Arm. Do not overtlghten the Nylon
Jamnut; the Butterfly Arm must be able to pivot
Repeat this step with the Left Butterfly Arm (25).
IMPORTANT=imkt4Perta the Cable
¢Im_ onileige 26 lot hell+ _the ,
, nuts +a+t_,_,hln+ the pmlleys.'Tite I_IIWI muet
beabh*tot,',m + ' '+
Locate and open the parts bags labeled "CABLE
Lubricatethe 3/8" x 7" Bolt(30) withgrease. Attach
the Swivel Cage (76) to the Swivel Carnage (46)
with the Boltand a 3/8" Nylon Locknut(87).
Locate the Swivel High Cable (74), which Is 126
1/2" long and has a ball on one end and a
threaded bolt on the other end. Wrap the Cable
arounda 3 1/2" Pulley (78). Attach two Pulleysto
the Swivel Cage (76) with two 3/8" x 1 3/4" Bolts
(93) and two 3/8" Nylon Locknuts (87).
16 Lubricate
III , .-113
. 1.27
26 56
76 74